I think it is safe to say that we all face challenges of many kinds. No one is immune from having a difficult day and everyone has a story to tell about their personal challenges. When it comes to MY CHALLENGE I have a huge list to choose from. Let me just list a few:
- I love to eat, even when I'm not hungry!
- I am not a big fan of exercise!
- TV is sometimes more tempting than a book!
- I can't read instructions!!! (not that I won't, I just don't understand them)
- I drink more coffee than water!
- I really have a hard time motivating myself to do housework!
- I put off doctors and dentists because I have a huge fear of needles!
- I am scared to death of snakes!
- I can't build or fix anything!
- I am human!
We all face our many challenges and none of us are perfect! I am not setting my goals with an unrealistic plan of action for 2010 (i.e. New Year's Resolution) but I am doing something I know how to do. Pray more, Give more and Fast more!!! More than I have ever completed in my life!!! Matthew 6 gives us instructions on how to be more Kingdom minded and how to apply Kingdom principles to our everyday life. My hope would be by this time next year I have pleased God by my devotion to know and love him more. With this said, this is not a cop-out for my health… As I get closer to Jesus & know him more, my hope will be that thru spiritual discipline, MY CHALLENGE will be overcome with the grace and mercy of God. God never promised us life would be easy, he never said our comfort is his biggest concern. He will help all of us to become the best follower of him, if we stick close to him and his living Word.
Many Blessings in 2010