small towns BIG Possibilities

How do you define success?

For many years I thought success was defined by what others thought of me. I am successful if my ministry is visible by others - I am successful if my ministry is housed in a great building in suburbia - If my numbers are high (noses and nickels).

Success is really working within your own limitations and believing that God will do something BIG. Craig Groeshel has this equation [limited resources + Increasing passion = Exponential Innovation]

Success is not how great, influential, or relevant you are but it is how you use the resources around you to build on. Success is being resourceful with what you already have and using it to help someone find their way to the cross.

I have met many people who would be considered the LAST, the LOST and the LEAST. These are the resources that God is wanting to use in my life and ministry. My success is all around me and my success is helping the "least of these."

In my county - 15,450 people ( ) claim no religious affiliation. None.. Zero... Nada....

I am so excited to be where I am - I have the makings of "great success" all around me!

In North America 33,000 communities are without a Full Gospel Message!!!

Stop trying to find success in perfect buildings with perfect programs directed by perfect people with perfect life styles... Instead - Look for the least, the last and the lost and they will help you find true success and true ministry.


Angie said...

So true, John. Too often, we get caught up in trying to define success. This Sunday our church will be working in our community (Launch, as they call it) to be the church for our fellow neighbors. We will be ministering to all, but our focus is on the "least of these". These Launch days are so special to us because we get to get out in the community and be the church instead of have church. The best part of all is when we get asked why on earth would we do something like this? We get to tell them it's because we love Jesus and we love them! That, my friend, is what I call success.

Anonymous said...

Words can't say how much I miss your leadings from the Spirit as well as our friendship. When I talk to you next time, remind me to tell you another way to explain success. It involves how the Lord will show us the fruits of our labors.