Exit 99

Christmas Day 2008 started out as ordinary as any other day. My family woke up, showered, ate breakfast, the kids opened their Christmas stockings, we packed the van with our duffel bags and off to Grandma and Grandpa's we go!!!

About an hour into the trip I had a decision to make.... (a chunk of ice had fallen off a semi) I could hit the ice, swerve right and possibly hit a patch of ice and roll my van, or swerve left and hit a semi. Hitting the ice chunk seemed to be my safest choice. The sun was shining and the temperature was a balmy 6 degrees. So, I straddled the ice chunk.... It made the types of noise you are imagining.... Everything seemed fine and we kept driving for more than one hour.

After two hours of being on the road, 5 kids, and a pot of coffee gone... Well it was time to stop.. Our normal, usual stopping place on the road to the Grandparents....

Exit 99...
The moment I exited.... My power steering was gone.... I had no idea how I was going to get my van into a parking lot.... I worked hard to turn the van... I did it... and yes, safely..... A hose was hanging and hitting the pavement.... I had no power steering... So, "this must be a power steering hose," I thought.... Stranded... on Christmas Day... 5 kids, my wife, and 7 degrees. What should I do? Have you ever been there? Stranded.... No where to go, no funds...


I am reminded of another man named John... He was stranded... He was exiled... He was banished from all other culture... John was banished to a barren, rocky island set up by the Roman government and was left there to die! The Isle of Patmos.
A couple of Scriptures I would like for you to read... Revelation 1:9-10 and Revelation 4 John was stranded on an island...

But even in his situation the Bible says in verse 10 "On the Lord's Day, I was in the Spirit." He was banished, exiled, and stranded... But He chose to be in the presence of the Lord. His choice...
John doesn't seem to have any self pity, panic, anger, regrets, or hesitation... While on the Isle of Patmos, he carried on with his normal daily habits. I do not want to make light of your current situation.. I know it is tough.. It is hard... You wonder, can I even make it today?

In my situation... as bad as it was, or it could have been... My safety was at exit 99... It was warm, plenty to eat, I could have shopped if I wanted too.... Look around.... What if I would have went one mile further... I would have been stranded in a van on the side of highway with 5 kids, a wife, and miles to walk to get to safety.
As uncomfortable as your Isle of Patmos experience is today..

Ask yourself.. "Could it be worse?" If you are honest... It probably could..
So, now flip over to Revelation 4.... While you are on your Island of Patmos... Maye Jesus himself is trying to get your attention.... Maybe he is saying... "I have your attention, now listen." He told John... "Come up Higher" He wanted to show John things that would blow his mind....

Instead of praying for God to release us from the Island of Patmos... Ask him to take you higher... Being stranded is no fun and it is hard.... But maybe, just maybe God is just trying to say... "Come up Higher."

Have a Blessed day!!!

And yes, my van was repaired the next day and it was just a hose!

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