Image is not everything

Here are a group of young college guys, spending the summer in Florida working at youth camp during the week and playing hard on the weekends. Yeah - that's me the 2nd on the right with my bright yellow swimming trunks and my 6 foot board, Dude!!! This is about 1989 in the heat of the Florida summer.

I am not a surfer, but yes I have tried to surf! Yes, I have a surf board in my hand, but I am not or was not a surfer. Yes, I am standing on a beach with other guys who were probably the same skill as me...

I looked the part, had the right equipment, I was at the right place, I had the image, but I did not have the skill.

Many people today are saying they are Christians. They have their Bibles, they go to the right place, they might even have Bible software on their computer... but they don't have the skill..

Discipleship is what Jesus has called us to do... "Go and make disciples!" People are lacking the skill of Christianity because the believers have left it up to the "organized church" to disciple.

My challenge for you today is for you to increase you skill, get into a small group, Wednesday night Bible study, Sunday School, home group... Whatever it takes to increase your skill and then YOU find someone you can disciple!

You will grow daily or die gradually!!!!


Unknown said...

Hi John,I liked the surfing comparison. Hope all is well at West Layton,We had almost 40 kids at the last(our 2nd at the school) meeting. Being in the school seems to work for getting the kids to attend FCA. We do miss you guys,You,Scott and Mike were such a blessing,just getting to know you all. I'd like to stop in and see you guys one of these days,I have a few questions to bounce off of you. Later : Eddie from FCA!!!

Unknown said...

Hi John,I liked the surfing comparison. Hope all is well at West Layton,We had almost 40 kids at the last(our 2nd at the school) meeting. Being in the school seems to work for getting the kids to attend FCA. We do miss you guys,You,Scott and Mike were such a blessing,just getting to know you all. I'd like to stop in and see you guys one of these days,I have a few questions to bounce off of you. Later : Eddie from FCA!!!